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Foaled 1988 Mare
Tennessee Walker

Shadow and her buddy, Blaze, came to us for retirement. She is a beautiful horse with a thick, crazy mane. She is one of the most affectionate horses at the sanctuary. She loves to nuzzle and be groomed. Shadow proves 30 is the new 20, she is in fantastic shape!


Foaled 1998 Mare

Spirit came to us from another rescue called H.E.R.O. She has been to many foster homes, but has found a forever home at Klondike Farm. She only has four or five teeth. Anyone who has seen her belly knows it doesn't slow down her eating. She is a fun horse and very smart. She also is appropriately named. 

Merry Christmas from all of us on this s


Foaled 2003 Mini Gelding

Ollie came to us from a farm in Boonville, NC. At that farm, his pasture mate was a 400 lbs. pig called Luna. His owner was a moving to Charlotte and couldn't take Ollie with her. We agreed to add Ollie to our family. He has been a welcome addition to the sanctuary. Ollie makes all of us laugh every day and we couldn't imagine life without him!

KC and Doozie update. These two came to

KC (King Casanova)

Foaled 1996 Gelding

KC lives up to his name; he is a handsome fella. KC arrived along with Doozie. Their owner is 81 years old and his wife recently passed away. He owned KC and Doozie since they were young and wanted to be sure they went to a great home. We feel so fortunate to be able to help serve this need. It really means a lot to earn the trust of people who can no longer care for their beloved pets. 

Early Christmas arrivals. Doozie and KC


Foaled 2000 Mare

Doozie came to Klondike Farm with her life-long buddy KC. She developed an eye infection some years ago that caused her to go blind in her right eye. She still gets around very well despite this challenge. When we put Doozie with the rest of the herd, I was worried Doozie would be pushed around. I soon saw that Doozie has no problem standing up for herself. I now worry for any horse that gets in her way!



Foaled 2016? Male Donkey

Henry is our first donkey. He was abandoned and ended up at a local animal shelter. He came here with severely overgrown hooves and not gelded. He is a sweet boy and we are excited to give him a second chance at Klondike Farm.

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